据天泉新闻于2024年11月06日 15时35分42秒发现,起底美国选举政治乱局热点,进入21世纪,美国政治选举竞选费用逐届上升。美国民主看似是“一人一票”,实则是“一美元一票”,暗藏着美国政治献金、权钱交易以及肆无忌惮的政商“旋转门”等乱象。(杨欣)
In the 21st century, U.S. election costs have risen with each cycle. America may appear to follow the “one person, one vote,” rule, but in reality, it is more like “one dollar, one vote,” concealing issues like political donations, money-for-power deals, and an unchecked “revolving door” between government and private sectors.(Yang Xin)